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Empower your development team

Shift left and level up your application developers productivity. From apps to infra, manage everything directly through your repo with GitOps principles. And gain your dev team ops superpowers.

DevOps like it's meant to be

We convert DevOps complexity into an intuitive GitOps workflow, granting your developers operational capabilities without needing extensive ops knowledge. By , you enable your developers to easily handle deployments, testing, bootstrapping infrastructure and environments themselves. And even abstract and automate some of these tasks away.

Everything as Code

Yes, everything! Not just infra

GitOps Workflow

All completely managed through your repo

Continuous Deployment

Unlocking continuous deployment

Happy devs

Empowering your developers to become more self-sufficient

Happy days

Driving innovation, confidence, automation and productivity

Continuous deployment enables laser focus for your developers to build features and applications. This is because there are no manual steps involved in the process, therefore driving productivity and deployment frequency. Simply accept a merge request, and you're done.

Shift left together

Our consulting services are designed to support the success of your IT projects, whatever stage they are in.

GitOps / Shift left

Empower your developers to

  • quickly and easily set up infrastructure and environments
  • deploy apps, APIs, backends, etc., in the cloud on their own
all without needing to be ops experts!
  • Increase productivity and autonomy of your developers
  • Reduce time to introduce new application features
  • Enhance transparency and traceability of the development process

Cloud Migration / Analysis

Migrate your on-prem or VM setup to the cluster.

With an architecture tailored to your needs and optimal configuration.
  • Cost savings often possible through pay-only-what-you-use models
  • Standardized environment (Kubernetes), no vendor lock
  • Managed clusters mean less effort for maintenance and operations
  • Scalability and high availability of your workloads often achievable

Cloud Mentoring

Unlock cost savings and efficiency in your cloud journey.

We offer personalized cloud mentoring, including cost optimization, architectural guidance, and support with your cloud-native questions.
  • Quickly resolve challenges with expert assistance
  • Receive valuable feedback and in-depth reviews
  • Precisely fitted to your situation and requirements

Apps in the Cloud

You have a web app or API that runs natively on-prem or on a VM?

We help you run it in the cloud. Additionally, we provide consulting to find an optimal architecture for your deployment.
  • Containerization makes your app environment-independent and portable
  • CD pipeline automates cloud deployment
  • Scalability and high availability of your app often possible
Our cloud services are focused around the Google Cloud (GCP/GKE) environment. We're working on expanding our offerings to Hetzner Cloud.
Convince yourself of our proven competence and arrange a free initial consultation without any obligation. We are happy to help!

Looking for examples?

Here are a few to give you some ideas:

Cloud AI

Play the power of AI to leverage your capabilities. Think generative AI for image and text, or AI for data analysis or coding.

Zwei Bilder (vorher/nachher) von einem Bild, das mit Bild KI bearbeitet wurde und Moderator des Videos

Auto scaling

Automatically scale your to meet demand surges, but protect them from unwanted traffic

A ship loaded with containers and a lot of containers flying in the air

Company-internal apps

Restrict access to your company-internal app or web service to only authorized users, and manage access through GitOps with Crossplane and Flux (we know most of you like Argo, so Argo if you prefer ;)). No code changes required.

Schriftzug Wenn du nicht drin bist, bist du draußen und Moderator des Videos

Auto deployments

Automatically pick up and synchronize new releases of your app to your production environment with zero downtime. And feel confident when pressing the merge button :)

Eine Grafik mit grünen Balken, die zeigen, dass die Anwendung immer verfügbar bleibt

Declarative SQL schema

Provision a highly available database and define the SQL schema declaratively and version controlled in your repo. When schema is altered, let a Kubernetes Operator take care of choosing optimal trajectories to apply the changes.

And the best part: a significant portion of the complexity of such capable setups can be abstracted away from your developers. They have the power, but they don't have to know how all the gears work behind the scenes, enabling them to focus on building features and applications, while the implemented abstractions or platform takes care of the rest.

Contact us

Looking to start a project or need some information? We’re available in both English and German.

Florian SchaschkoReach out on LinkedIn
Or email us at
You can also use the form below to get in touch or to schedule a call.

All times are UTC. The current UTC time is .

One more thing

Already mastered the ops part? Are you sure? We also assist in rapid prototyping small scale apps and services. Check out our full service offering to fast track your idea online.